Kris Jenner Reveals Kim Kardashian’s Secret Wedding Plans

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We’re so excited to hear that Kim Kardashian might be having another wedding! (Said no one ever.) You guessed it, mama Kris Jenner recently spilled the beans that pregnant Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are thinking about getting married. What’ll it be this time? Tubs of caviar? Chocolate dipped in gold? Actually… no, says mama Jenner. reports Kris saying:

This time it will be private and smaller, if she does get married again – not 500 people.

Good idea Kim. I think the rest of America agrees with you on this one. After all, her last failed marriage with Kris Humphries just a few years back was a public affair costing around $10 million dollars and lasting a mere 72 days. If Kim and Kanye go through with this next wedding, we hope it goes better than her first!

Plus, is pregnant Kim moving back in grandma-to-be Kris? According to, Kris wants to help make Kim’s pregnancy as comfortable as possible so she’s offering Kim a mama-certified roof to put over her head… or at least her belly, whatever will fit! In addition to rumors about a secret low-key wedding, word on the street is that Kanye is actually turned off by Kim’s newly acquired baby weight. How rude! Is that true, Kanye?

Nonetheless, supermom Kris comes to the rescue once again by clearing up all the crazy rumors, she tells

It’s an absolute fabrication. All you have to do is look at Kim. She’s absolutely gorgeous.

That’s right Kim, and everyone knows moms know best.

Meanwhile, maybe Kris really does know best…

Her new show The Kris Jenner Show airs July 15th at on FOX 5 at 11 a.m. and we’re excited to see how it turns out! Watch this video for a preview of the upcoming show!

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Kris Jenner opens up about Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's potential wedding plans, as well as rumors regarding her relationship with Kanye!